experience of gratitude

Gratitude in any Moment


2020 is a year when goals have been disrupted and plans have been tossed. The trajectory of our lives has either placed us on hold, offered up challenges, or altered our life’s course. Most of us are not the same today as we were when the year began. No matter what our personal difficulties or how numerous the challenges, there is comfort in reflecting on all that we do have and all that is right in our lives. You can shine the spotlight of Gratitude in any direction and find something to be thankful for.

Gratitude is the Super Power that each of us possess. And in a year such as this, it is vital for our well-being to have a tool that helps us to feel uplifted in any moment we choose.

  • Gratitude is the ability to see what is right before you - it is a feeling, an experience in the here and now, in this very moment. And that feeling, when viewed through the heart, turns up the power of gratitude within us.

  • Gratitude is a NOW experience. It resides in our feelings of this present moment, without the tug of the past or the focus on what the future may hold.

  • Just as the sunlight streams through the leaves of a tree at just that exact angle, in that precise moment, gratitude happens in the moment as well.

Gratitude is not only a way of connecting us to what is good in our lives, but it creates a link to the present through an experience of the heart.

Wishing you the gift of embracing the many moments of heartfelt gratitude today and everyday.